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At Large – PTR – One bus from the Pine Bus, need two, Mesa has 160 buses and we couldn’t
get one
up here, new contact, school service, two busses – 2600 from leasing company, Ok to reserve
but keep working the problem
Question on by laws – who can sign a contract? Normally it is executive committee, historically
it has been president that transfers to Executive Director, Exec should know of any contracts
and a copy of the contract stored in drive for record.
is making a bell for PTR – Raffle/auction, how ever it best serves the org, Thanks sent to through Joan
email marketing list – to be developed of contacts, volunteers, vendors,
Fuel Reduction Projects
Chris at Biomass has brush pit on his to do list, Greg stressed we need it done before opening
app for county support for brush pit money in process, goes to Supervisor Cristensen
Gregg to call on paypal list,
Trails –
trail work got canceled, prob canceled again due to weather
April 9th, trail steward conference, Elsa to speak at event – welcome to pine speil, 10- 15 min,
upcoming events,
AZ Trail site – stewardship program, for us to review as a potential for our program,
Been in contact with Angie Able – April 23rd sending evites for trail opening, breakfast burritos
Available for partner representatives, time to do another newsletter with all this info, Joan to
work on newsletter,
Mark McFadden had back surgery last year, birthday is on Monday gathering at brewery at 2p
RC – working on sponsorship sales presentation, also working on contact spreadsheet,
Move to annual sponsorships for whole organization so some of the sponsorship money would
go to fuel reduction. comparison of expenditures – percentage fuel reduction to trails – follow up
Title sponsor ????? Value?
Volunteer informational meeting – by next month at the lastest, one large meeting each of us
speak 3
to 5 mins on what kind of volunteers we need, each board member makes a pitch, do a
facebook live
event, date and time for volunteer meeting,
Operations asst
Sponsorship asst/trainee
clean up lead for neighbor helping neighbor program
Events –
bbq – up in strawberry instead of barn, good to have an event in strawberry to include them, do
at the
end of the parade, arts and crafts guild goes that weekend, do it on Sunday or Monday at 11a.
Maybe work with Bandits to end event with start of the parade.
not on monday due to visitors leaving that day.
RC to look at possibilities – address at next meeting
Technology –
Discussion on benefits of last pass family account to share passwords and digital footprint with
that need the access,
Motion by Mario Cristner to approve expenditure of $4 a month to set up Lastpass, second by
Joan Backman approved, none opposed. Mario to set up all accounts
Also setting up Google Workspace, app has been submitted for workspace for free for non
profits, once that is approved all the accounts to be set up and last connected to the emails
Elsa to build Sponsor app on wufoo

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