September 24, 2018
President Mike Brandt called the meeting to order at 6:05 P.M. The meeting was held at the Pine Senior Center Dining Room
Mike Brandt led the Pledge of Allegiance
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Brandt (President), Melvin Palmer (Vice-President), Brenda Darling (Secretary), Janet Brandt
MEMBERS ABSENT: Nancy Hubbs (Treasurer)
Janet moved to approve the minutes of the August 29, 2018 meeting as presented. Mel seconded.
Motion Passed.
- Is PSFR part of the PSFD Trunk or Treat and Safety Open House this Halloween? Not historically but we could be. Sponsors are needed to provide the candy and more trucks and/or trunks are still needed.
- The Pine Strawberry Business Community (PSBC) is hosting a Chili Cook off on October 13th and they have asked PSFR to assist by providing volunteers and in return they will split the proceeds with us.
- New PSFR Volunteer Facebook page is available. The link to join will be sent out to all the PSFR contacts.
- What is the status of the Fire Danger signs that PSFR paid for? The signs are in and with the PSFD who is waiting on ADOT for placement because the locations have been moved to sites just South of Pine and just North of Strawberry.
- The Sherriff’s Posse/PSFD was able to get a radio for use at the Pine Brush Pitt which was needed because there is no cell service in that area.
Fuel Reduction
- Beginning Balance: $41,180.44 (from statement)
- Deposit: $ (None)
- Expenses: $201.87 (phone bill, stamps, Firewise trailer)
- Ending Balance: $40,978.57
Fire on the Rim
- Beginning Balance: $51,250.7 (from statement)
- Deposit: $36,759.00 (FOTR, grant)
- Expenses: $6,373.09 (FOTR)
- Ending Balance: $81,636.63
Edward Jones
- Total Portfolio Value: $83,301.97 (from August 31, 2018 statement)
Brenda moved to accept Treasurer’s Report as presented. Mel seconded.
Motion Passed.
- PSFR sent a Thank You notes to Chad Hummer for his $100 donation and Rhoda Lindsey for her donation of 50 shares of Sherwin Williams stock.
- PSFR received reimbursement for the RTP Grant which paid for the workers on the Pine Canyon trail.
Pine Brush Pit: Don Ennon
The Pine Brush Pit will be closing this year at 4:00 pm November 18. They just did a push on Wednesday and they won’t need to do that again until the end of the season. Approximately 25% of our business comes from Payson. PSFR should contact the Blattner Pit to see how we can help keep them open because if they close, everyone from Payson and Star Valley will use the Pine Brush Pit. PSFR is scheduled to give them a donation of $750.
Fire on the Rim Mountain Bike Race
We had 364 registered and 335 actually raced. Once all receipts are in and bills are paid it is estimated that PSFR will have made approximately $33,000 from the Fire on the Rim race. We could not do this without all of the volunteers. Thank you to all the volunteers!
We made more this year on registration, sponsors, t-shirt sales and the silent auction and we nearly doubled our donations. We about broke even on the spaghetti dinner and the raffle table considering we cut the hours at the Ponderosa in half. We made a little less on Vendors (late start), hat sales and the kids camp. Hats, t-shirts, visors, cow bells etc. are still available and can be purchased on the Pine Strawberry Trails website soon.
Racer comments included positive remarks about the trails, signage, the town and the volunteers.
We have this race every year because we live in a small community surrounded by National Forest. We have no major industry which leads to stagnation which can lead to a devastating wildfire. The way to prevent stagnation is by creating an industry of tourism and the trail system. Through the trail system we can impact the forest. By making this impact it has the potential to generate more Federal dollars for forest cleaning and thinning. We have been noted twice this year by Washington DC for our work as an example to follow and this is because of the people of this community who believe in the direction we are taking and support the PSFR. This all helps to make the community wealthier by having better restaurants, people can make a living, and bringing in younger people etc.
The FOTR Bike race is scheduled in mid-September because there are only so many time slots available between other events. If we attempted to move it, we would risk losing our current spot and may lose a significant number of participants.
Is it possible to hold the awards ceremony later so that the volunteers could make it to the awards ceremony? Unfortunately this is not feasible as the contestants do not want to hang around for very long once they are done.
The Vendor team has already started preparing for next year. There is an on-line application for food vendors, standard vendors, and we are expanding the team tent program (18 tents); we are ready to take 24 standard vendors, at least two food vendors or one food truck. Over half of our vendors have signed up already. We are looking to create a vendor lodging program where people in the community can offer a place for Vendors to sleep for maybe $50 a night.
The next Pine Trail Run is scheduled for May 4th 2019. We need to hire someone to get the Pine Trail Run website updated and the registration for the 2019 race up and running. Ideally this would have been done in early May of 2018. The PSFR Board agrees that we need to hire someone, preferably local for website management. In 2019 we are planning a 26 mile race, a 5K race and in 2020 we are looking to add a 50K race.
Payson is borrowing our Firewise Trailer for their October Fire Safety Day.
Due to Halloween falling on the last Wednesday of October, the next meeting will be held on Monday October 29, 2018 at 6:00 pm in the Pine Senior Dining Room.
Meetings are set for the last Wednesday of each month.
Mel moved to adjourn. Brenda seconded.
Motion Passed.
Meeting adjourned at 6:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Brenda Darling, P/SFR Secretary
Download 2018 September 24 Meeting Notes (PDF)