President Mike Brandt called the meeting to order at 6:05 P.M.
The meeting was held at the Pine Senior Center Dining Room
Mike Brandt led the Pledge of Allegiance
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Brandt (President), Melvin Palmer (Vice-President), Jack Malloy (Secretary), Nancy Hubbs (Treasurer), Janet Brandt, Katie Calderon, Ron Calderon
Ron moved to approve the minutes of the September 28, 2016 meeting as presented. Nancy seconded.
Motion Passed.
Nancy presented the Treasurer’s Report.
- As of January 19, 2017: Fuel Reduction Account = $59,164.01; FireOnTheRim Account = $57,039.18; Savings = $20,890.55; Donated United Technologies Stocks = Approximately $5,600
- Jack noted the PayPal Account = about $2,000. Of that received in December $800 in four single donations. In the recurring monthly donations, we receive $110 for ten people.
- Nancy took over as our Treasurer in June of 2016. In October, she discovered a reoccurring charged of $3.99/month and that it was going to a fraudulent company over the last two years. To rectify this, she closed and froze Fuel Reduction and FireOnTheRim accounts and reopened two new accounts for them.
- Nancy emphasized that she will make sure any amount of money, no matter how small will be addressed. She received a round of applause from those in attendance. Good Sleuthing Nancy!
Katie moved to accept Treasurer’s Report as presented. Mel seconded.
Motion Passed.
Nancy reported that Fuel Reduction received donations from Mt. Village of $500, and three private donations were received totaling $1,141.40. Also, Kaylee’s Cottage donated $300.
- Audio Visual Equipment: Mike had a demonstration of the projector and screen that had been approved and purchased for future P/SFR programs along with microphones and a wireless walking speaker. Mel suggested purchasing speakers we can use in the Cultural Hall and a laptop that will go with the projector. He will look into these.
- Firewise Day: Katie noted that this year’s Firewise Day will be held on May 20 at the Ramada and Cultural Hall 10am to 4pm. A new banner will need to be purchased. All of the agencies from last year and some new ones have been notified and Sara is in the process of nailing down those who will attend. Duane again will provide the food from the Farm Bureau Insurance. Many speakers are being contacted to participate. Topics will include firewising property and the community, community evacuation plan and others. A topic regarding the Gila County Emergency Alerts was suggested. PR, entertainment and a raffle are being planned.
- Trails in the Fuel Break: Using the new projector and screen, Mike reported on the status of several trails.
- Trail #15 (Pine Strawberry Trail): Volunteers just completed reroute from Mohawk to Hardscrabble.
- Trail #26 (Pine Canyon Trail): The two ends of the trail have been reworked and are in good shape. The middle section now needs attention. YRU Contracting, out of Idaho, will be used for this section. FireOnTheRim Bike Race, whose funds are earmarked for trails, will be used to pay for this project.
- Trail #28 (Pine View Trail): This trail was reworked using the RTP Grant. Mike recommended to those in attendance to check out this trail and the views it affords.
- Camp Lo Mia Trail (New): The plan is for the gates to the camp entrance to be moved back about 30-40 feet and a trail head parking lot constructed on the creek side in front of the gates. The Eagle Scout Project will build a bridge near the entrance over Pine Creek and a new trail will be built on the camp property connecting with Trail 26.
- Mike then noted the impact the trails have on Pine & Strawberry and the forest surrounding the communities.
- Grant Update: Janet reported on the following grants.
- RTP (Recreational Trails Program) Grant: Along with Trail 28 reroute, this grant provides for a firewise garden at the entrance to the Pine Trail Head. Funding, approximately $37,000, from the RTP Grant should come in soon.
- Allstate Insurance Grant: $1,000 grant from Allstate Insurance that was sponsored by Jeannie Weatherly and earmarked for trails. It will be used to restock P/SFR trail tools. A large check will be made with Allstate and the sponsors name for a photo to be used as PR in the newspaper. Nancy volunteered to look into having the large check made. Nancy said it will be erasable so it can be used for other large donations in the future.
- Rural Development Grant (for air curtain burner): Still in the pre-application stage. The grant needs a business type plan for funding. Developing the plan may/will need support from the County. A meeting with Supervisor Tommie Martin was advised.
- Bike Race Dinner & Equipment: Ron reported that the 2017 dinner will be handled by differently than in the past and equipment like warmers, large bowls to cook the spaghetti, etc. may need to be purchased. He and Mark Fumusa will check with That Brewery regarding the cooking and equipment needs along with Pine School to see what equipment they have. After much discussion, Mel moved to allocate a $2,500 limit for equipment and food if needed.
Katie seconded.
Motion Passed
- Update Slash Piles on SW 87 & Bradshaw: Mike spoke with PSFD who is contacting a fire crew out of Globe to help with the burning. Only thing needed to proceed is the burn agreement.
- Ramada Plaque: Mike passed around the information suggested to be on the plaque. He noted Blue Moon Construction needed to be added to the list. Katie moved to accept the plaque information as amended.
Nancy seconded.
Motion Passed - Bike Race Timing: Janet reported the need to hire the race timing company now so they can schedule in the Bike Race. The quote she received is for $350 more than last year for registration management. Janet asked Jack if those working the race check-in table could handle what the timing company does at the check-in. Jack replied that the company has all of the race into on their computer files and they handle any late entrance, changes to race distances and general problems that always come up. Volunteers doing the race check-in would not be able to handle those situations.
Janet said we needed to send a deposit check of $500 to the timing company.
- Bike Race Organizational Chart: Janet passed out a flow chart on how the race organization would be managed. It was suggested the chart be emailed to the Board with an explanation of how it will work.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017; 6:00 pm; Pine Senior Center Dining Room
Nancy moved to adjourn. Jack seconded.
Motion Passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:42 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Jack Malloy, P/SFR Secretary
Download 2017 January 25 Meeting Notes (PDF)