FEBRUARY 24, 2016
President Melvin Palmer called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
The meeting was held at the Pine Senior Center Dining Room
MEMBERS PRESENT: Melvin Palmer (President), Mike Brandt (Vice-President), Jack Malloy (Secretary), Janet Brandt (Acting Treasurer), Katie Calderon, Ron Calderon,
Janet so moved. Ron seconded.
Motion Passed
Nancy will take over the books on June 1, 2016.
Janet presented the Treasurer’s Report.
General Funds: $35,982.62
Fire On The Rim: $68,297.05 (Trails in the Fuel Break project. Examples: Bridge over Pine Creek, Pay for Youth Core to work on the trails, Pay the ACE crew to do work, etc., and have monies to put on the 2016 bike race.)
Savings: $20,884.80
Donations for Brush Pick Up in the General Funds: $29,713.34
Jack said on first of each month, donations collected in PayPal will be transferred to the general funds.
Moved to accept the Treasurer’s report.
Motion Passed
Ron moved to approve the minutes of the September 23, 2015 meeting as presented. Katie seconded.
Motion Passed.
Ron moved to approve the minutes of the November 7, 2015 meeting with the changes recommended by Janet. Nancy seconded.
Motion Passed.
Ron moved to approve the minutes of the November 10, 2015 meeting as presented. Katie seconded.
Motion Passed.
Janet reported that Taylors gas station sent an invoice for $700 for brush pick up gas in September and October. Ron moved to pay the bill. Janet seconded.
Motion Passed.
There was discussion to use Uncle Tom’s Quick Stop in the future for gas purchases instead of Taylors. After the pros and cons were discussed no change in the way the brush truck operators will purchase gas in the future as they have in the past from both stations.
- Status of 2016 Brush Pick Up: Janet reminded donations of $30K are only 36% so far of what is needed to run the program this year.
Mel noted the FireWise Festival being planned for the end of April to help raise funds.
Mike has been working with Supervisor Tommie Martin to have the County burn pits enlarged, burned continuously, open more often, and he is looking into obtaining an “air curtain burner” that reduces the smoke from burning wood waste.
Janet noted, Ms. Martin is meeting with the Forest Service this month so they are just getting started with these ideas.
Janet has reached out to the “privates” for doing the brush pick-up. She said Armstrong Tree Service and Tree Pro went together and they gave a guestimate bid of $62K since there was no way to tell until they were actually working on what was piled. This was based on the tonnage that was collected in 2015.
Ron, with Mark Formosa and Jerry Varney are working with Supervisor Martin on the process to add Brush Pick Up as a tax district in Pine and Strawberry to maintain the brush pick up program without depending on unpredictable donations. It would the required signatures and around $6-7K to be placed on a ballot.
- FireWise Day Fundraiser: Katie discussed the plans for this fundraiser and community firewise awareness. So far Duane Ridl has volunteered to do a barbecue lunch and the date is planned for Saturday, April 30th at the Ramada. More details regarding speakers, booths/displays, activities and live music will be forthcoming.
- The Bear Fundraiser: Barbara Huber explained that her committee is just beginning the planning stages of this year’s fundraiser at the Strawbeary Bear Restaurant. The date will be Sunday, June 5th from noon to 4-5 pm. In place of the art auction there will be a single raffle consisting of gift certificates from the community.
- Update Trails in the Fuel Break: Mike reported that the bridge connecting the Bearfoot Trail with the Pine Canyon Trail is here and in pieces. Pouring the foundations is schedule for March 12 with the installation beginning March 19th. He invited anyone interested in donating time to help is more than welcomed. The bridge is expected to be completed by the first of April. Rerouting of trail 26 from the Pine Trailhead will start March 4th.
Question was asked about the schedule for thinning the fuel break. Mike said it is on a 3-4 year rotating schedule by the Forest Service. The thinning is left and the hope is that when there is enough it will be able to be burned.
Another question dealt with the brush piles on the west side of the 87 just south of Pine. Mike said money from a P/SFR grant was supplied to thin the property but not to burn it. He is now working to get a price from DOC to burn the brush piles.
– Katie announced she had extra t-shirts from the FireOnTheRim Bike Race if anyone was interested in purchasing.
- Discussion & Action Regarding Application for RTP (Recreational Trails Program) Grant: Janet reported that this grant would be to fund a firewise interpretive display at the Pine Trailhead, add some picnic tables and a renovation of the Pine Loop Trail, an easy 3-mile trail. This is through Arizona State Parks. Janet read the resolution that needed to be approved by the Board. Jack so moved Resolution 101. Katie seconded.
Resolution Passed.
-Mike discussed ignition areas around our houses and how emb ers from as far away as 2-3 miles can ignite them.
– Mike also discussed the purpose behind the Trails in the Fuel Break project. It distinguishes our forest from the other forests around the rim and that the impact of its tourism and recreational use helps to bring in Federal dollars to our forest for things like keeping our fuel break thinned.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016; 6:00 P.M.; Pine Senior Center
Ron moved to adjourn. Janet seconded.
Motion Passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:27 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Jack Malloy, P/SFR Secretary
Download 2016 Feb. 24 Meeting Notes (PDF)