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SEPTEMBER 23, 2015

President Melvin Palmer called the meeting to order at 6:01 P.M. The meeting was held at the Pine Senior Center Dining Room Mel led the Pledge of Allegiance

MEMBERS PRESENT: Melvin Palmer (President), Mike Brandt (Vice-President), Jack Malloy (Secretary, Darwin Huber (Treasurer), Janet Brandt, Katie Calderon, Ron Calderon,



Ron moved to approve the minutes of the January 28 meeting as presented. Katie seconded.

Motion Passed.

Ron moved to approve the minutes of the April 14 meeting as presented. Katie seconded.

Motion Passed.

Ron moved to approve the minutes of the May 27 meeting as presented. Katie seconded.

Motion Passed.


Recap/Discussion – 2015 Fire On The Rim Bike Race:
PS Fire Chief Gary Morris reported that the Command Post went nearly flawless. As aide stations notified the Command Post their water was running short the system worked and additional water was able to be taken to the stations promptly. PSFD will do a more intense critique of the Command and other agency activities and asked FOTR to share their own critique of the race activities with the FD so that any issues could be taken into account for next years race. Chief Morris recommended an organizational chart with those assigned to and responsible for various areas be made available to the Command Post so they have a record of whose responsible. In case a situation arises it can resolved more promptly. Example, someone responsible for logistics – water, food, etc. That person needs to be in the Command Post the day of the race. He recommended FOTR develop what needs to be done and Reserve Fire Marshall Mike Reichling and Chief Morris will put it into the plan and make it happen. The plan will be documented and each year refinements made as needed.
Fire Marshall Mike Reichling added that the key is communications. PSFD had the Forest Service put a repeater on top of Strawberry Mountain and were able to communicate with everyone around the racecourse.
Chief Morris added that with this years experience involving multiple agencies (Sheriffs Dept., Posse, etc.) they now have a plan. Should a major wildfire or other major disaster occur, they have a base camp that is already wired, experience and a plan to promptly get a Command Center up and running.

Janet reported that the total profit to date is $21,953. With a few bills to come in and some silent auction money to be collected, Janet estimated the profit from this year’s race would be around $22K. A breakdown and comparison to last year: Dinner – $4,357 +31%; Silent Auction – $4,560 +33%; Vendors – $450 +15%; Sponsors – $15,896 +18%; Raffle – $5,125 +40%; Gate (Entry Fees) – $9,800 vs. $9,711 last year; Riders on the course – 277 this year vs. 277 last year.

Question – Race entry comparison to other races?
Janet – Eventually may raise entry fee. However, we’re still establishing our race. The former MBAA President was an aggressive promoter of FOTR and left for another job before we realized it. He has since given us advise on how to promote next year.

Katie thanked the volunteers and committee chairs for all their help. Chairpersons summarized their committees and recommendations for next years race:
Silent Auction – Keep same area but set up earlier so those at the dinner and racer registration can see the baskets; advertise the silent auction to the racers.

Interviews – More social media advertising; More supplies at aide stations; More trash cans at camping site; Bike vendors available, or more conspicuous, Friday night for repairs; Aprons for interviews to carry water, etc.: A pool

or sprayer for riders to cool off after the race; Recycle the sprayer water; Expand beer garden and have some vendors set up so part is in beer garden and part is outside; Remove shack for more room.
Flaggers – Increase number of lunches and also provide lunches for first responders, etc.
Parking – Loud music till late; Had 8 working parking and will need more next year.

Heed Station – Add pickle juice;
Recycling – Purchase recycling bins that can use clear bags so the recycle bins are more conspicuous.

Brush Pick Up Update:
Paul Paul reported the pick-ups are going along fine. Picked up 208 tons in Pine. They and are currently in Strawberry Zone and have picked up 122 tons to date.
Jack reported that the volunteers have picked up 16 tons of bags and thanked those who have volunteered.
Mel reported that we would not receive free dumping at the County landfill next year. Ron said the Forest Service is looking into working with the County Supervisors to get us a discounted fee next year.
Cia French said she will look into companies that will compost the brush for no charge and the cost to transport.

Trails in the Fuel Break:
Mike again reminded that trails and fuel reduction are one in the same. Brush clearing and defensible space in our communities and brush clearing and defensible space in our fuel break are all components working together to make firewising work.
On October 3rd & 4th major workdays on the Arizona Trail to partner with the Arizona Trail Association to reroute the section of the Arizona Trail near the intersection of Donahue Trail. Afterwards, a chuck wagon with storytelling. Also on October 27th, there will be work on the Donahue Trail to where it intersects with the Coconino Forest. Coconino Forest has grants for trails and Mike is working with them on who can do the trail work.
End of this month, the Bearfoot Trail bridge, that spans Pine Creek and connects Bearfoot with the Pine Canyon Trail, will be staked. The footings or the bridge are already paid for by donations from APS, and Walmart. Camp Lo Mia has given permission to access the location through their property. After the Arizona Trail project, maintenance will be done on the Bearfoot Trail.
Rerouting the Goodenough Trail will be a training class for future trail builders.
A group from Payson wants to meet with Mike and the Forest Service for help in setting up a trails building group like ours.


Darwin informed the Board that he received notice from our insurance carrier that we need to submit the volunteer exposure days.


Darwin said “not really” as he and Janet had been sharing that responsibility. However, he did have the amount of money P/SFR had in the bank….$17,649 in the General Fund and $107,089 in the Fire On The Rim Fund. No report on Savings. “it just kinda sits there” Darwin said.


Janet & Mike reported that P/SFR loaned the FireWise Trailer to East Verde Estates for their FireWise Day.


Saturday, October 24, 10:00 A.M., Pine Cultural Hall So Moved by Katie. Mike seconded
Motion Passed


Mel adjourned the meeting at 7:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Jack Malloy, P/SFR Secretary

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