Trail Maintenance
Thank you for volunteering for the Pine Strawberry Fuel Reduction Trail Crew Rock Stars. And a special thank you goes out to all of you who’ve helped prep the trails and the Barn for the upcoming Pine Trail Run, on Saturday, May 4th. Volunteers are still needed for the day before, Race day itself and the day after. Click this link to find open positions that are perfect for you: https://psfuelreduction.us21.l
And now it’s time to focus our attention on some other trails in need of TLC. So mark your calendars with these dates and locations in May.
Tuesday, May 7, 8 am – clear landslide from new reroute on Pine Strawberry Trail 15
(meet at Strawberry Hollow off Hwy 87 in Pine, to the right of the entrance gate)
Tuesday, May 14, 8 am – maintenance on new reroutes on P/S Trail 15
(meet at Strawberry Hollow off Hwy 87 in Pine, to the right of the entrance gate)
Tuesday, May 21, 8 am – Walnut Trail #251 general maintenance
(meet at Hardscrabble FS Road 428 across from trail 15 south entrance,
additional parking is available at the water tank above the trail entrance)
Tuesday, May 28, 8 am – new Bike Race exit trail
(meet at the cattleguard on Hardscrabble FS Road 428—1/4 mile SW of where
Hardscrabble turns to gravel)
We welcome newcomers to our team to learn about building sustainable trails. No commitment, join us whenever you can. While doing trail maintenance, please bring gloves, water and snacks to keep your energy up and for safety, please wear long sleeves, long pants and closed-toe shoes. Tools, training and safety briefings are provided. It’s a good way to meet people, get exercise, and everyone works at their own pace and capabilities. Plus you come away with a great feeling of accomplishment.
Please forward this to family and friends who may be interested in helping a worthy endeavor. Thanks again for all your efforts and hope to see you on the trails.
Joan Backman, PSFR Director of Trails
“You’re off to great places. Today is your day. Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way.”
Dr. Suess