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Trail Maintenance

If you haven’t volunteered with the Pine Strawberry Fuel Reduction Trail Crew Rock Stars, you’re missing out on a fun morning. Everyone works at their own pace, whether it be moving rocks, smoothing out the trail tread or clipping brush. We’ve done trail maintenance on the Tonto National Forest and the Coconino National Forest (where we discovered the gravesite of one of General Crook’s Infantrymen!) Here is what we have planned for the month of August:

>>>Tuesday, August 6, 7 am – meet at the Pine Trailhead to repair erosion damage, from our 3 inches of rain in one hour!

>>>Tuesday, August 13, 7 am – meet at the Pine Trailhead to repair erosion damage

>>>Tuesday, August 20, 7 am – meet at the south entrance of the P/S Trail 15 (follow Hardscrabble Road through Pine, FS 428 about 1 mile after it turns to gravel— watch for Trail entrance on the right)

>>>Saturday, August 24, 7 am – meet at the intersection of 428/428A (follow Hardscrabble through Pine to the top of the mesa) Prep the downhill portion of the Fire on the Rim Bike Race Course

>>>Tuesday, August 27, 7 am – meet at the intersection of 428/428A (follow Hardscrabble through Pine) Prep the downhill portion of the Fire on the Rim Bike Race Course

The Fire on the Rim Mountain Bike Race is coming up on Saturday, September 21st. Volunteers are needed prior to Race Day for trail preparation and course marking, set-up the Start/Finish Line at the Big Red Barn, and day of the Race in a variety of positions, such as Course Marshals, Registration, Beer Sales and Security, to name just a few. Please reply to this email if you can help!

We welcome newcomers to our team to learn about building sustainable trails. No commitment, join us whenever you can. While doing trail maintenance, please bring gloves, water and snacks to keep your energy up and for safety, please wear long sleeves, long pants and closed-toe shoes. Tools, training and safety briefings are provided. It’s a good way to meet people, get exercise, and everyone works at their own pace and capabilities. Plus you come away with a great feeling of accomplishment.

Please forward this to family and friends who may be interested in helping a worthy endeavor. Thanks again for all your efforts and hope to see you on the trails.

Joan Backman, PSFR Director of Trails












The annual Pine Trail Run raises funds to improve the health of our forest by adding new sustainable trails, improving existing trails and educating the public in wildfire prevention through our Firewise Garden and Fire Interpretive Trail.

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