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Elsa Steffanson presiding as Interim President
Application for Pine Craft Festivals – They happen 3x a year, PSFR has historically participated
with the the Firewise Trailer – decision tabled for future discussion as there is a cost involved
and issues with volunteers to run the trailer. Need to discuss with Arts and Crafts guild on power
for trailer which we have had in the past but was denied this past year.
Old Business:
Brush pit – increase pay for Lawrence and give more responsibility, call Lawrence and see how
he feels about using the technology to manage volunteer asks and sign ups – Elsa
JG Edwards – change pob to our main po, their system accidentally grabbed the change of info
from Mike to Elsa as a change to our mina mailing address – Elsa to contact and fix.
Call Chris and ask if he could call us if Carrier is dropping – Cindy
Motion to maintain our investment portfolio as is made by Cindy Jordan, Seconded by Joan
Backman. Motion passed
New Business:
Discussion on job descriptions for new director roles:
Events – RC/Mario – overseeing Team leads for events, PTR/FOTR/Ribbon Cutting at
Interpretive Trail, developing and maintaining playbook for events, manage sponsorships, post
event report
Finance – Cindy – maintain the financial play book, financial strategic plan with the board,
maintain checking, investments, financial reports, mail pick up, assist events in managing
finances for events
Operations and Admin – Elsa – manages our filings, notes, phones, email, air traffic control
Technology – Mario has access and maintains digital footprint, manages and
recommends better programs, assists other directors in needs
Public Education and Outreach – Elsa – manages the firewise trailer calendar, arranges
speaking engagements, flyers, newsletters, social media, anything forward facing to public for
the org, fire restriction signs for maintenance and distribution
Fuel Reduction Projects – Greg – working with forest service on large landscape scale projects,
working with individual homeowners on resources, maintaining website resources, brush pit
management, fundraising for fuel reduction projects, 90/10 grants, work with partners including
forest service and fire dept
Trails – Joan – volunteers, forest service, manage new trails, reroutes, neepa studies, work with
partners, trail maintenance and trail crew, manage trails for upcoming events, fundraising for
Director at Large – Scott Kehl
Other discussion items:
New donation letter presented by Cindy – Scott to develop QR code for letter, only sent
for 250 or more
Need to develop long range plan for projects to explain to public the investments as part of our
Ask – add to our task list
Joan Backman to back up on mail and bank deposits
Fundraising ideas for future, frys, bashas, amazon smile, ace hardware, round
up for fuel reduction
google calendar for website
Reroute ps trail 15, major undertaking, worked with forest service to work it out. Crew started
out on on Tues, Group of kids coming out from Payson middle school to help, follow up on
liability/emergency contact
April 23rd Ribbon cutting event and firewise day. RC to work with Forest Service on the event.
Greg look into covid relief for non profits
Scott to get trickle charger for trailer
Research aura for task management vs. excel/google sheets
ptr busses – holds 55, limit to 25, require a mask, but not enforcing, have masks to hand out,
only required on bus, put on website, blast email, or can ask for refund,
Potential text for email – For the safety of other everyone will be ask to wear a mask on the bus
for the short trip to the race start.
mario extract content from tools for volunteer database, wufoo, sign up genius and tiny letters
contact list – business card list, update
Motion to accept resignation of Mike Brandt, second by Scott Kehl– Discussion Mike would like
to stay in charge of the trail crew. Motion passed

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