Interim President Elsa Steffanson presiding
Motion Cindy Jordan to accept new by laws with changes to Board Composition and Role
descriptions, Seconded by Joan Backman – motion passed.
Motion by RC Cristner to accept new job descriptions for Directorships – Second by Greg
Zimmerman – motion passed.
Motion by Joan Backman to accept slate of officers as indicated:
Executive Director – Elsa Steffanson
Director of Finance – Cindy Jordan
Director of Trails – Joan Backman
Director of Fuel Reduction Projects – Gregg Zimmerman
Director of Events – RC Cristner
Director of Technology – Mario Cristner
Director at Large – Scott Kehl
Motion Second by RC Cristner – motion passed
Motion by Joan Backman – authorized signers for financial purposes such as checking and
investment accounts are the following directorships: Executive, Finance and Trails
Second by RC Cristner – motion passed.
Discussions and information:
Trail 15 reroute, Shawn Redfield, Arizona Trails Association director has offered to bring up trail
making machine, huge project on rerouting existing trail.
Trevor is the MBA (Mountain Bike Association) Rep – follow up on contact info for resource
Arizona trail volunteer stewards coming to Pine for conference on April 9th, PSFR/Joan set them
up with Cerca, Cerca is waiving the rental fee, possible PSFR speak to the group?
Trail Steward Program – restriction clear brush, branches, no dirt moving, if there is an issue we
can send someone out. maybe doing training sessions, Scott to construct proposal that will
address the concerns of current trail crew leadership. Need for more help on the trails is
apparent and longevity of the program in question.
Brandts going on vacation April, May and June.
ATA announcement – group of veterans, coming up to do reroute on oak springs to bradshaw
meadows, march 14th through the 19th having a campout.
Fuel Reduction Projects:
Brush pit – Lawrence putting together a proposal on what kind of tent they would like. Trail crew
To assist in putting down concrete anchors for tent. Permanent structure is not possible due to
public activity with firearms on the site during off brush pit hours.
Steve Christiansen, grant paperwork coming in for brush pit, Janet gave cover letter
for previous years. put in something about the backbone fire, Joan and Greg to work on this.
Elsa – check the paypal on why Finance is locked out of main acct, donations@fireontheroom
Global supply chain issues on shirts for the event, DIL Scott Kehl working on alternatives
Motion by Cindy Jordan to allow a budget of 11k to the Ptr to be managed by Race Director
Scott Kehl,,
Greg Zimmerman second – motion passed.
Need to promote races more aggressively – list for RC/Mario for free calendars
PSFR pays forest service 5% of adjusted gross revenue of race maybe could do a special case
since the money goes back into trails and maybe charge us nothing. Scott Kehl to follow up on
Having difficulty finding busses – Scott Kehl working on alternatives
Onboarding RC in coming week, reviewing timeline with Ray/RC/Janet
Discussion on cleaning up digital footprint access and files – Mario and Ray to follow up
Website need CC info to pay for maps – msg to Cindy with Mario contact info to facilitate update
Schedule class on Wufoo use
Mario to investigate and assess website security, set up firewall, restrict access by country
For future consideration: move site to different hosting service, virtual server where we can also
build an org wiki, need to correct how site is set up, currently built on fotr domain when it should
have been built on psfr domain
Set up card acct for Directors to administer approved funds for projects and
Cindy to set up