March 27, 2019
President Mike Brandt called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
The meeting was held at the Pine Senior Center Dining Room
Janet Brandt led the Pledge of Allegiance
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Brandt (President), Melvin Palmer (Vice-President), Brenda Darling (Secretary), Nancy Hubbs (Treasurer), Janet Brandt, Joan Backman, Elsa Steffanson
Nancy Hubbs moved to approve the minutes of the February27, 2019 and March 7, 2019 Executive Session meeting as presented. Janet Brandt seconded.
Motion Passed.
PSFR introduced our new Board member Elsa Steffanson. Elsa will be assisting PSFR with our Social Media and other communications.
Fuel Reduction
Beginning Balance: $38,983.67 (from statement)
Deposit: $0
Expenses: $199.76 (phone bill, Little Stinkers for Firewise Day)
Ending Balance: $38,783.91
Fire on the Rim
Beginning Balance: $17,678.46 (from statement)
Deposit: $2000.00 (trail run transferred from paypal)
Expenses: $612.65 (trail run bags, bottles, nuun)
Ending Balance: $19,065.81
Edward Jones
Total Portfolio Value: $160,335.44 (from February 22, 2019 statement)
$26,425.96 (PSFR Advisory Acct)
$33,609.10 (PSFR Acct)
$80,135.81 (FOTR Acct)
Janet Brandt moved to accept Treasurer’s Report as presented. Brenda Darling seconded.
Motion Passed.
Payson Concrete did a “push” at the Pine Brush Pit for $211.
We received $40 from American Express.
Northern Gila County Economics donated $5,000 to PSFR as part of a Grant.
We received $19.26 from Amazon Smile.
Firewise Day – Katie Calderon:
The next committee meeting is on April 18, 2019 at 4:30 pm in the PSFD community room. Duane Ridl with the Farm Bureau has donated $1,500 for property clearing efforts and another gentleman has donated $500 so at this time the Committee has received a total of $2,000 towards property clearing efforts. Duane Ridl is also donating all of the food that will be provided to Firewise Day attendees for free. Barbara Mossbarger is managing the booth and all the volunteers. Raffle items were purchased by Melvin Palmer and the tickets will be sold for $5 each or 3 for $10. Tickets can be purchased at the Pine Hardware Store in advance and at the Firewise Day event.
Property clearing raffle tickets will be $5 each and winners will receive 4 hours of landscape services.
DPS and the FS have offered a helicopter for the kids to see. The Fire Chief and Sargent Newman will be our main speakers. Stephen McKelvey from the Forest Service will talk about forest health. Game and Fish will provide a bear trap for residents to see. There will also be radio PSAs and advertisements throughout the state. Outreach will also be made to the local TV stations.
Next year’s Firewise Day will be on May 16, 2020. Mike is trying to get speakers set up already for next year.
Pine Trail Run – Scott Kehl:
So far there are 85 registrants, 74 for the 8.6 mile and 11 for the 5k. On line registration closes on 4/21/19. Scott will conduct radio interviews and will be speaking to the new Rim Runners store in Payson about selling Pine Trail Run Visors and possibly being a sponsor next year. Current insurance covers up to 200 people, if we want to increase the number of runners next year than we will need to adjust our insurance coverage.
We still need trail monitor volunteers and a photographer. Awards will be distributed earlier this year. Rita Johnson is in charge of the trail head setup. Cindy Johnson will be in charge of Computer start and end times. There will be a large tent available for shade at the Pine Trail Head.
Fire on the Rim – Janet Brandt:
The event is six months out. Registration will be opening in the next few weeks. Committee meetings will begin sometime in May.
Trails – Mike Brandt:
Mike talked with the Forest Service last Friday about what PSFR is doing and they are in agreement with our plans. However, they are more interested in re-routing existing trails rather than creating new ones. They did ask if we would help with Fossil Creek. Although there is much being talked about in the news right now, and Tonto just took over leadership of the Tonto side (from the road down to the creek), they asked if we would run a trail line down Fossil Creek for a possible re-rout which would take that straight down trail and adjust the grade to a more sustainable and safer route for hikers and rescuers. The deadline for public comment on the Fossil Springs CRMP is April 4, 2019.
The Pine Trail Head Forest Management through Fire exhibit is a high priority for the Forest Service.
Brush Pit – Don Ennon:
Pine Brush Pit opens April 7th. Hours are every Sunday from 8 am to 4 pm. All of the wet weather has degraded the road to the Brush Pit. We are currently waiting for a bid on the cost to grade the road to the Brush Pit. We should develop a half page flyer explaining who we are, that this is an all-volunteer program and accept donations on site and through our website.
Proposed Fire Restriction Sign Project (Sara Gerlach) – Mike Brandt:
Mel made a motion to approve12 A Frame sign posts. Nancy Hubbs seconded.
It was recommended that we use Official Forest Service Signs rather than create our own (which should also be free). To address the concern with part timers and renters not understanding the scope of Fire Restrictions, it was suggested that we add a banner indicating that the restrictions were in effect for private as well as public lands. It was also suggested that PSFR reach out to VRBO & Air B&B rental owners and provide them with flyers to be placed in their rental homes so that guest are aware that when there are fire restrictions in the forest that it includes private property. After some discussion the Motion Passed
Scott Kehl and Melvin Palmer agreed to assist with building the signs. Home Depot is donating $400 worth of materials. Melvin will check into possible storage under the stage in the Cultural Hall.
Newsletter – Mike Brandt
PSFR is looking to start a newsletter to be mailed to all property owners that would include short articles from the different agencies in the area, like the PSFD, Tonto Forest Service, PSFR and others involved in Fuel Reduction efforts. We could explain more about how the funds are separated and used for fuel reduction and trails etc. Joan is working on the layout. No deadline has been set yet.
Public Meeting Schedule – Mike Brandt
We are looking to hold fewer PSFR public meetings and more frequent executive meetings where we can set goals and objectives and work on other projects such as the newsletter. We are proposing going to quarterly public meetings unless there are community concerns about fire dangers and/or restrictions.
Tentatively scheduled for May 29, 2019 at 6:00 pm in the Pine Senior Dining Room
Nancy Hubbs moved to adjourn. Janet Brandt seconded.
Motion Passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Brenda Darling, PSFR Secretary